Wednesday 21 April 2010

Simple rules.

When we are young, (say, 3-6 years) we are taught to follow simple rules. Rules that teach us how to behave in public and how to be sociable, simple life rules that young children have to learn and these are repeated into our brains until it's wired into our system:

1. Share.
2. Violence is wrong.
3. Use words to get what you want.
4. Treat other how you would want to be treated yourself.

We have all heard them and we all remember them even when we are adults because we teach our own children these exact same rules.

Which is fine.

But I can't help noticing we never apply these simple, primary school rules that are embedded into our systems when we become adults.

1. Share:
We live in a Capitalised society. What's mine is mine, I earned it, I worked for it and I am not giving anyone who had a lot less than me a penny.

(I am aware we give to charities and millions are raised...but NO-ONE can say everyone is this country gives enough to balance out the money in the world...or even the UK and the US alone)

2. Violence is wrong:
War. One word and a mistake we never seem to learn by.

3. Use words to get what you want:
OR! You could bomb them... that's the quicker way.

4. Treat others how you would want to be treated yourself:
The most important, and the closest to home. We are all selfish. We all fight for what we want to get what we want...and usually we don't care who we hurt along the way. We happily move into that house that that the other family can't afford to live in. We will happily take that promotion, even if someone is made redundant.

At this point, you're probably thinking I am being too black and white...and yes I am.

I know that people give hundreds of thousands to charities.
I know that we pay taxes so others can afford to live

But those simple rules we are taught, those black and white rules with no loopholes get bent as we get older.

It's okay to hit someone if...
It's okay to not give something they need if...

Simple rules that children 3-6 years seem to abide by.
I think it's time to take our own advice.

I think it's time to take a leaf out of their book.

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